2016 Porsche 911 Targa 4S - Hyattsville - Cars for sale, used cars for sale, Hyattsville - 2641878


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2016 Porsche 911 Targa 4S - Cars for sale, used cars for sale

Ref. number: 2641878 Updated: 01-04-2018 22:11

Price: 52 300 USD $

Offering: Cars for sale, used cars for sale in United States, Maryland, Hyattsville

Please message me with questions at: kristelroarx@netzero.net . This Black with silver trim 2016 Porsche 911 Targa 4S is proudly offered. This is my personal car that I need to sell. It has 3, 657 miles and is priced so that it can be quickly sold. This Porsche 911 is a 7-speed manual, all-wheel drive transmission. It has a luxurious, well-appointed interior and world-class engineering. Superior acceleration, unmatched traction and stability as well as a luxurious interior. The perfect balance of speed and control has been injected into this 2016 Porsche 911. This 2016 Porsche 911 Targa 4S is not like any other automobile. The Porsche was equipped with many of the added features that make this vehicle such a unique automobile to own and drive. Unique and nearly impossible to find, this 2016 Porsche 911 Targa 4S is a collector's dream come true.

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Contact information
First name: Kristel
Last name: Roarx
Phone number: 9033009106
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